WHY YOU HIDE YOUR IDENTITY? PITY ON YOU! We meet with several types of people in our life, strong, weak, lively, depressed, confused, bold, conservative and many others. The people I hate the most are those who always pretend to be the one they are not in actual - The Hypocrite ones. For me, they are not strong enough to show their real identity. Pity on them as they can not treasure who they are. Hypocrite people should know they are not only doing unfair with others but also with themselves as they can never get the admiration of others in the end. There will be a time when the inner self will continuously torture them. I am not old enough to claim that I am the most experienced one in meeting such categories of people yet I am certain of meeting the extreme class of Hypocrites. The irony is that we take a close connection with them as they pretend to be the most supportive and we begin to rely on them. But when a sudden stone of their betrayal ...
Showing posts from May 2, 2019