MINISO - Japanese or Chinese?

MINISO is a retailer having almost all sorts of goods available in its stores. Within a short period of just 5 years, MINISO has successfully managed to place its name among the world's most famous brands. It has quality in its products and its affordable cost is also attracting several customers to buy MINISO items.

The name MINISO is a Japanese word that is also written in its native language on the main logo. Therefore it is a common concept among people "MINISO retailer is Japanese".

Shockingly this is not completely right.

The retailer was co-founded in 2013 by Chinese entrepreneur Ye Guo Fu and Japanese designer Junya Miyake. The headquarters of this retailer is located in Guangzhou, China under the Aiyaya company.
Initiated by both country members yet dominance is Japanese because of its name and logo which are both in Japanese. There is also another Japanese influence on this brand as it co-relates with purely Japanese brands of Daiso, Muji, and Uniqlo in terms of inventory and brand design.

Therefore it is also sometimes criticized as "Made in China to look Japanese".

Regardless of who fully holds its ownership, no doubt we are admiring MINISO and are blindly trusting on quality as we do in other famous brands of Japan as Toshiba, Honda, and many others.

Go shopping and buy quality products within affordable prices.


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